Telangana:(Kishor)Kranthi Kumar Panikera, a resident of Suryapet, Telangana, has achieved a remarkable feat by stopping 57 electric fan blades using his tongue in just one minute, earning him a spot in the Guinness World Records .
This incredible achievement showcases Panikera’s exceptional bravery, precision, and skill. The feat required him to use his tongue to stop each fan blade in motion, demonstrating remarkable control and endurance .
Panikera, also known as the “Drill Man,” is no stranger to daring acts and bold stunts. He has previously set records for the heaviest vehicle pulled by a swallowed sword, achieving an impressive 1,944 kg (4,285.78 lb) .
The Guinness World Records team verified Panikera’s attempt and recognized his accomplishment as an extraordinary display of human potential and daring .
His unique achievement has earned him a place in history and inspired many with his courage and determination.Panikera’s electrifying performance has garnered over 14.7 million views across social media platforms, with many praising his skill and bravery while others expressed concern over the potential dangers involved .